Basia's Thoughts
Looking for Aha-moments? Surprisingly useful connections? Interested in learning more about You, how your personality was formed, who you truly are? I know I am. And so, as an INFJ type I enjoy finding underlying patterns and share them in this forum. I also talk about Non-Duality (Advaita Vedanta). Take this journey with me and with your questions and comments we will tread forth together, attempting to make sense of it all. :)
70 episodes
EP 70 What Could Replace Addiction?
In the previous episode we noted that merely focusing on practicing the mutually beneficial win-win situations will not fulfil our longing for meaning and connection. Thus it may not be sufficient to move us out of an increasingly addictive wor...
Season 1
Episode 70

EP 69 Life Beyond Narratives and Beyond Mutually Beneficial Win-Win
Narratives are stories that we give power when we believe in them. They may originate in traumas, developmental traumas and this form our personalities, telling us who we are.They may come from our society and be partially factual or fi...
Season 1
Episode 69

EP 68 What is Beauty?
Beauty with capital B is like God with capital G - inexplicable. And yet, there is so much to say.It is our essence. It is one part of the trinity of our essence: Beauty, Consciousness, Love.Beauty is related to one of t...
Season 1
Episode 68

EP 67 Moving from Beauty
The idea of moving from Beauty can be accessed through all we do but is perhaps easier to find through dance.When we move from Beauty we act from an expanded sense of self and a larger perspective. We act from love, instead of act...
Season 1
Episode 67

EP 66 Four Perspectives
The astrologer Michael Lennox once said, in passing:"The world is not happening to you, not even for you, or through you, but as you."I found these perspectives thought-worthy and decided to think about them out loud.It is i...
Season 1
Episode 66

EP 65 How Faith Creates Miracles
Is it possible to keep our faith in spite of all the dark moments we experience? What is faith? What can we base it on an how can we use it to have a beautiful life?We start off by listening to a part of the tango “Torme...
Season 1
Episode 65

EP 64 Why is Abundance Rare?
Why is life so difficult? Why do we have to struggle so much and yet often gain so little? Why are millions starving? Why is there so much lack and why is abundance so difficult to come by?Even though most would agree ...
Season 1
Episode 64

EP 63 How Can We Do the Most Good?
Inspired by the movement called "Effective Altruism", I asked myself the question as I have seen it posed: "How can I do the most good, given my limited resources?"As I asked it, I wondered if the second part of the question, "......
Season 1
Episode 63

EP 62 The System Decides What We See and Who We Become
"The Devil is in the Structure", and it is the structure, or the system, ...
Season 1
Episode 62

EP 61 Helping Out of Fear
Do you feel the urge to help others? Do you know where it comes from? Sometimes it comes from love, and sometimes, like those times when you feel the need to give others advice and solutions, it might come from another place.<...
Season 1
Episode 61

EP 60 The Crossroads Where We Are
In this final episode of 2021 I discuss the following picture: http://basiapiechocinska.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/EP60Crossroads-scaled.jpg
Season 1
Episode 60

EP 59 Stepping Out of Polarity
In times of great polarity we talk about two ways of stepping out of it and gaining insight and perspective. The first method is related to ancient battle tactics, where the opponent wishes to distract you and create an internal f...
Season 1
Episode 59

EP 58 Awakening from Mass-Hypnosis
We are currently finding ourselves in situations we would not have seen as justifiable only two years ago, and yet we are there. The situation is continuing to escalate as a totalitarian-like movement sweeps across the many countries.&nb...
Season 1
Episode 58

EP 57 The Freedom of an Actor
When we become aware that we are an actor we get the freedom of being able to choose what roles we play.By relaxing and dwelling in the unknown present, we train our mind in a way that transcends and translates into all our experiences....
Season 1
Episode 57

EP 56 Judgement
Understanding how and why judgement is problematic for us may be helpful in directing our attention towards alternative ways of being.In our society we have been trained away from our natural way of being into a way that is based around...
Season 1
Episode 56

EP 55 Silence as the Origin of Win-Win
In this short, short episode we connect some of the ideas we have spoken about. In particular we see how The Art of Silence, of practicing silence, is the origin of the language of the giraffe. This is Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolen...
Season 1
Episode 55

EP 54 Are We In a Totalitarian Movement Now?
In this episode we primarily look at Hannah Arendt's 1951 book "The Origins of Totalitarianism" and try to see if we can recognise some of the dynamics she writes about, in our current covid-world.The prerequisites for the begi...
Season 1
Episode 54

EP 53 Is Giraffe the Language of the Future?
Marshall Rosenberg´s "Nonviolent Communication", or "the language of the giraffe" is a heart centered all-win type of interaction.In this episode we discuss it as a possible future language of a civilisation that is ba...
Season 1
Episode 53

EP 52 "You're Welcome"
This episode is actually inspired by a Disney song. We all probably know that what we focus on we tend to notice more of and who/what we identify as provides a perspective for our life. These are almost cliché, and yet when...
Season 1
Episode 52

EP 51 The Violence of Positive Judgement
Sometimes it may be difficult to see how steeped in judgement we are and what it leads to. So, we start out by looking at the violence inherent in common compliments.We talk about how not only compliments but all sorts of rewards ...
Season 1
Episode 51

EP 50 Life Filled With Miracles
Can we bring more magic and miracles into our life?What are some essential aspects of a magical life? Can we do anything to encourage the expression of miracles?We find that awe, an open and expansive sense of surprise, ap...
Season 1
Episode 50

EP 49 Why Are We Counterproductive?
A friend recommended I listen to a podcast on stupidity, where the question was posed: "Why are we acting in ways that hurt ourselves and others? Are we stupid?"(The podcast was from Dystopia and it is in Swedish.&n...
Season 1
Episode 49

EP 48 Thieves of Joy
Today we talk about two thieves of joy that are interweaved. They are expectations and judgements.In societies where things work well and our expectations are met we are often accompanied by these joy thieves. The...
Season 1
Episode 0

EP 47 Problem Solving Beyond Optimisation
We talk about the importance of learning to look for what is positive. We mention that perhaps as a survival mechanism we have developed certain biases that are helpful when we are young but make thriving more difficult over time....
Season 1
Episode 47