Basia's Thoughts

EP 48 Thieves of Joy

Basia Season 1 Episode 0

Today we talk about two thieves of joy that are interweaved.   They are expectations and judgements.

In societies where things work well and our expectations are met we are often accompanied by these joy thieves.  They rob us of the present moment.

In societies where things rarely go the way we would expect them to we eventually have to learn to let go of our expectations.  And when we do that, we embark on a more present, joyous and liberating journey in life.

We may still have inspired intentions as to what we would like, but we let the universe surprise and delight us with their execution as we participate fully.

Expectations are types of judgements about how things should be.  When they are not met we are often left feeling powerless.   And reactions such as judgments may temporarily feel more empowering and energising than connecting to the feeling of powerlessness.

Finding ways of letting go of external and internal expectations, we can reclaim the joy that is there for us in the present moment.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for the podcast you can contact me on Instagram @BasiasThoughts.  And, of course, if you would like to see more content from me, do sponsor me on because that will allow me to focus more on content creation.