Basia's Thoughts

EP 52 "You're Welcome"

Basia Season 1 Episode 52

This episode is actually inspired by a Disney song. 

We all probably know that what we focus on we tend to notice more of and who/what we identify as provides a perspective for our life.   These are almost cliché, and yet when used wisely can prove life changing.

Many of our globally most impactful problems can be traced back to an "we - they" outlook on life.  It is the ancient win-lose game of tribes that is currently no longer possible to uphold and have humanity and most of the species on Earth survive.

In the podcast I mention a pdf I just finished drawing with these insights.  Download the pdf with my pictures, called "The Societal Glitch", from here:

The song, previously alluded to, is called "You're Welcome", and if listened to with a particular mindset provides a beautiful use of the idea of focus on what is true and beautiful together with an insight regarding our inextricable identity with all that is.   You are given, gifted the ability to play your very particular and creative role because of all that is.  You can be you because of everything else and every being that came before you.  You have not "earned" it.  You have not "paid" for it.  You are gifted it.  You're welcome.

By listening to the song and seeing, Maui, the demi-god, as a representation of Nature, you can get that feeling. 

Listen to the song "You're Welcome" here:

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for the podcast you can contact me on Instagram @BasiasThoughts.  And, of course, if you would like to see more content from me do sponsor me on because that will allow me to focus more on content creation.