Basia's Thoughts

EP 60 The Crossroads Where We Are

Basia Season 1 Episode 60

In this final episode of 2021 I discuss the following picture:

It represents a crossroads that we currently find ourselves at as humans on Earth.   We see the hand of technology pushing us into a place of choice and two main roads being presented to us.

One road is represented by a caterpillar and invites us to continue living as we have, with a tribe-like identity and attitude.   It leads to slavery or destruction.

The other is one represented by the chrysalis and invites us to morph internally into a butterfly-like being, leaving behind a limited identity that comes with ideas of threats and fears.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for the podcast you can contact me on Instagram @BasiasThoughts.  And, of course, if you would like to see more content from me do sponsor me on because that will allow me to focus more on content creation.